Who am I?

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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradhesh, India
Agree that this question has troubled many a man in this world. But am a potent mix madness mixed with laziness and boiled with a concoction of impulsiveness and warmth... more like TNT!! Currently on a mission to drive traffic to my website :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Antonymns and Synonyms

Interesing stuff... Introspecting on life...! Latest thought, is hell and heaven there? Up above, somewhere??!! I got a feeling that life is a punishment and a reward. When we pull of something we expected it to be impossible, heaven and life are synonymns. When the reverse happens, heavens and life are antonyms. So where is the distinction drawn? I feel life is more like a funnel, and we are just a marble that is going on and on, on the rim of the funnel. Faster we go, higher the chances that we go out of the orbit. If we slow down, we just head to doom at the bottom of the funnel. The constant patient pace is needed to maintain the steadiness.

Makes sense? I dont blame you, sometimes it does make sense and at times, i go down the funnel!


I... Its only me

I was wondering if everybody was self involved with onself and not bother to make others life comfortable or bad, would the world be a better place? Coz if looked at in one way, everything boils down from US->WE->ME->I. Final letter is I. A two letter word becoming a single character... Just a line of thought... who knows?

This one letter is the essence of everything. Beautiful letter. I. Everything anybody says or does, has that iota of selfishness involved. Even aspiring to be selfless is a form of selfishness. "I want to do good coz it makes me feel good". Again boils down to I.

When will I come out of this I? I want to do something so mechanical that does not make me happy or sad. responsible or irresponsible... I want to forget I for sometime. This too boils down to an I. Inner journey is more shadowy than the outer journey... :( :) :-/