Who am I?

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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradhesh, India
Agree that this question has troubled many a man in this world. But am a potent mix madness mixed with laziness and boiled with a concoction of impulsiveness and warmth... more like TNT!! Currently on a mission to drive traffic to my website :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Independent confusion of sorts!

The independence was day was a mixed bag for me, with emotions running amok.


Surveys indicate that my country is the largest democracy in the world. The multi culture, multi ethnicity and multi lingual populace is something I can boast of even while sleeping. The number of billionaires that we can boast of is increasing by the day. Indian firms are buying out “FIRANGI” companies with ease. Wow!! The effects of being a red hot economy. I almost go into a certain feeling of elation.


But the negatives of my motherland drag me down. We still are a country where hunger deaths are a common occurrence. We have rotting grains on one hand and dying masses on the other. So much for the economic muscle of the country. We have a democracy that is vibrant. Yeah! Vibrant on all fronts... We have thugs, corrupts, thieves, murderers as our representatives in the government. Strange as it may sound, I am not sure if I should lift my head high due the amount of corruption that is engulfing the ironic Common Wealth Games (Ironic because the participating countries are all capitalistic). I have to hold my head high because it is us who elected the corrupts and it is no wonder that the corruption has crept into everything. In short, target achieved. We are a land that allows its citizens to be plundered without a proper compensation (read Bhopal tragedy!). We are a land which favours inheritance based rule.


But why am I complaining? Am I really doing something about it? Nope. Nothing. I remain a stupid citizen. With no means to vent out and no means to work towards it. With no idea as how to proceed in my mission to get the country back to a decent quality of life. Corruption and incompetence of everybody around biting my conviction that something good will happen, I remain silent... There is no end to this dichotomy I feel. It too, shall pass in the annals of my time.


Dear India, most of us are your selfish children. We don’t care a hoot about fellow people. Me, mine and myself – This is my motto. My patriotism raises when I listen to my countrymen being targeted outside the country. When Kashmir is debated and when India plays Pakistan for cricket. I complain a lot about how everything could be better and minutes later, frenzy dies and I become my selfish old self.


Am sorry!

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